[Announce] SequreISP an ISP's management software as GPL
Luciano Ruete
2012-08-07 20:01:53 UTC
Hi all,

This is a one time announce.

From about 12 years from now I (and my company) have worked with=20
small/medium ISPs or WISPs, always using Linux as the core router for=20
bandwidth management, QoS and load balancing.

As for 3 years from now we have started to work in a product now called=
SequreISP[0], which is a final solution for small/medium ISPs, that now=
is at a very stable state, and the proof is it's been used for more tha=
200 ISPs in more than 10 different countries worldwide[1].
With a range of clients up to 5000 per ISP, that is currently our mayor=
success case (in a single server), but we think this can grow up to=20
10000 or 15000 as well.

SequreISP allows to do bandwidth management, QoS, load balancing=20
(current record is 40 ADSL lines in single server) and a lot more all=20
from a comfortable web interface (like a router) which is written in=20
Ruby on Rails. At a low level it generates tc(htb,sfq) queues and ip=20
ro/iptables commands.

SequreISP comes with a core which has all the technicals features, whic=
has been open sourced about more than a year ago with a AGPLv3 License.=
You can check the project page at github[2]. As you can quickly verify,=
the public repo has been keep up to date, with commits almost every day=
and that's because it is our main repo as well.

All user interface is fully available in English, Spanish and=20
Portuguese, as well as the in-line documentation.

There is also a commercial version of SequreISP, that comes with severa=
modules adding extra(administrative) functionalities like a invoicing=20
tools, notifications(via captive portal), videocahe, help desk, among=20

We have a growing community of commercial SequreISP users, but=20
unfortunately there is no growing community from open source users and=20
developers as well. So this email is an open invitation for this to cha=

As a sysadmin and developer i can assure you that SequreISP solves a lo=
of complex problems with a neat and effective approach.

So if you are an ISP sysadmin or owner I really suggest you to give it =

If you are also a developer you can contribute with the project and the=
community, and you can even make money from this, ie. writing your own=20
plug-in and selling it to our existing client database (like in an app=20

There is a lot of engineering and effort behind SequreISP and it is a=20
shame and a waste that a lot of people are not using it simply because=20
they don't know that it exists.

We are going to be also giving some SequreISP free conferences in=20
August, in Buenos Aires[3], S=E3o Paulo[4] and Budapest[5] (following=20
Ubiquiti World Conference scheduling, in order to ease access), so if=20
you're going to this Ubiquiti events, or simply like to know us,=20
consider yourself invited.

Thank you all for your time.

[0] http://sequreisp.com/?locale=3Den
[1] You can check our customers map at http://sequreisp.com/Map?locale=3D=
[2] https://github.com/sequre/sequreisp
[3] http://sequreisp.com/blog/posts/17?locale=3Des
[4] http://sequreisp.com/blog/posts/18?locale=3Dpt
[5] http://sequreisp.com/blog/posts/19?locale=3Den

Luciano Ruete
CTO - Sequre/SequreISP
Mitre 617 Piso 7 Ala Oeste
Mendoza - Argentina
